Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mr in Wonderland's New Smile

I have to put this up because it has been SO wonderful.

Mr in Wonderland has been anxious about smiling since he was 10 years old. We met briefly at 8, then became friends at 15 years later in high school, I have always remembered this to be a big issue for him. Kids are cruel, I can only imagine what 5 years of primary school tormenting, plus your own insecurities can do for a boy...not to mention high school, where it only gets worse!

Mr in Wonderland had asthma as a child, through the necessary use of his puffer, he damaged the nerves in his teeth, discolouring them.

Now Mr in Wonderland has one of those great smiles, the kind that take up their whole face, the kind that make you smile too even when you don't feel like smiling. He also has an amazingly contagious laugh and is one of those people who makes the most mundane activity fun.

The most wonderful thing has happened for him, after finally gathering enough bravery to visit the dentist to see what will need to be done, his Godparents have offered to pay for new porcelain crowns. The first part of the process was a lengthy one with them doing all the moulds and preparation, his Godmother and I cringed during each step, while Mr in Wonderland was cool as a cucumber, cracking jokes the entire time as is his way.

On the drive home I glanced over at him, he was quiet with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes...this meant the world to him.

Thank you so very, very much Kim and Anaza, you have made this amazing young man go from this...

To THIS........

This weekend has been awesome...the man has come to life. I know only bigger and better will follow.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWWW This makes me so happy! "Mr In Wonderland" is such a lovely boy and I am glad he is happy :D:D:D!! xoxox to you both
