Saturday, May 29, 2010

Big Mess, Cool Shiz

Sooo I've up-ended half the house experimenting and playing with some new fascinator these ones MUST go in the shop! (and I'll keep one for me, coz they are so darn CUTE, if I do say so myself). After ringing all around the city( and travelling halfway across it) I FINALLY found the most beautiful ruby red velvet and went to work making these...
Aren't they cute! I LOVE the look of strawberries. Forgive my serious need for make-up in this photo, I'm having a lovely time at home, sipping chai soy lattes and sewing myself some strawberries so haven't had to look all perty today :). I'm going to make all different styles of these...big, small, floral and strawberries, tulle and strawberries, navy and red, I'm all inspired, so stay tuned!!!


  1. looking good.

    What will we expect to see this on the etsies?

  2. I would so buy that!

  3. Will be up by the end of the weekend I should think, I'll post on here when it's the go, and add some perty pictures!!
