I thought I'd give you a few little snapshots of our apartment, forgive the photography, the batteries in the camera died and i was left only with the camera on my blackberry, but you'll get the gist all the same.
This is the lounge area, in the corner you'll see my computer sneakily hiding, this is where I write my posts, curled up on the sofa.

A close up of the coffee table, I seem to have a fascination with bringing kitsch versions of outside, in. Gnomes , bunnies and birds are my favourite, They still have that "stylised" look however, which I think makes it look quirky without looking TOO tacky. By the way, yes that is
faux grass on the floor as a rug. We "picnic" on it often when we have dinner.

This is a vintage treasure I found out
thrifting, it was $20 and although i really didn't have anywhere to put it at the time, I simply had to have it. I'm not usually a fan of natural wood, but there's something beautiful about the curve of the top and those little bun feet.
Of course little birds on the bottom, they look all puffy from the cold, sweet. The doilies are hand appliqued with strawberries,
aahhh, and i picked these up for about $2. I'll get a closer picture at some point because the work in these really is quite impressive.

Art Deco mirrors, oh how i love them, the one on the left has a lyrebird etched into it, I found it at a
swap meet and almost spat all over the woman in shock when she told me she'll take $3 for it. The other one is amazing, it has little hinged wing mirrors on each side and a mirrored shelf at the bottom, for $20 i was wondering why none of the antique dealers hadn't picked it up already at the crack of dawn like they do. This one is very special, i haven't seen one even remotely like it since.

Yes, in future I will clean up before I start taking pictures, the dining table is a 1950's laminate and chrome with 4 matching red chairs, the yellow and blue ones that you see here were a drink induced purchase after having a lovely lunch at a
Mexican restaurant with a peach
pina colada, yes one, it's all it took. Now that the guilt has worn off, they are truly fabulous, don't you think? The kitchenette is one of my favourites, she holds our red and white polka dot and green an white polka dot dinner sets, she was lovingly painted pink to begin the pink kitchen!!!

Pink Kitchen, well as best we can do, we're renting, if it were up to me there would be a real 1950's push-button cupboard kitchen in pink, but you do what you can. There's a pink kettle, blender, colander, bread box...I could go on. The gumball machines are vintage, put in your 10c, actually I wouldn't they taste terrible :)

The bathroom

Oh boy I love 50's plastic flowers,
I'm kind of obsessed, yes I do realise how tacky they are but they make me smile. Wait
I'll show you some more.....

Look at these roses, the guy i bought these from said that the roses are from a laundry powder promotion from England in the 40's/50's, you got one for free when you bought a box,
I've also got a set of these roses from my great grandmother's house, that are now all white from sitting her windowsill for the last 60 years. Oh they are just so bright and smiley with such wonderful stories!
He he, this is a tiny two bedroom apartment so i really shouldn't have things like these but they are just too lovely to part with, the little 50's/60's pouffes are from my grandparents and great grandparents houses and were given to me by
Nanna and Grandfather, I don't think they understood my hyperventilation whilst explaining how fabulous they are. They are the coloured, textured vinyl so they are a bit fancy, the blue I used to eat my dinner balanced on it when I was a
littlin :) The art deco drink trolley was spotted from the car driving away from a market. I almost gave poor Mr in Wonderland a heart attack "
ahhhhhhh STOP THE CAR", quickly jumped out as a elderly lady was packing it back into her car. $60
thank you very much!!!
So I'll put the camera batteries on recharge and get back to you all with some pictures of what
I've been up to this weekend.
I love the little Art Deco phone table you have near the couch. Probably right at the end of deco or even the early 40s. You need to come to my place some time. Mine is all 30s stuff :)