This is the lovely Emma's hat order, this was very fun to make...and pictures do not in any way do it justice! To give you some indication as to the 'pop' in colour and how striking it is, when I showed it to Mr in Wonderland, he said "WOW! I like that one!"...for someone not overly interested in girly hats, that's something great right? :)
AND AND AND... I'm very excited to reveal my new chocolate box hat, finished, well almost. I am totally in love with these...I've even got a heart shape hat in the works for heart chocolate boxes, sqeeeeeel! This one is in baby blue, I'm working on red, hot pink, yellow, green, purple and orange.
These are very fun to make because I get to look at lots of chocolates and "feltify" them.
NOT eat any though because in the last 5 days of hard core Zumba and gym trips I have lots THREE whole kilos which is AWESOME!!! Zumba is hilarious, you dance around feeling like a complete tit, shimmy-ing and shaking your booty and just when you think your going to die, you forget because the dance moves are so fun (well, fun-ny).
My application for Fremantle Arts Centre Bazaar is in...fingers crossed.
And here are some of the pretty things I've been making for orders this week...
I'll soon be stocking my etsy and Made It stores so there will be ACTUAL single items to purchase...once I get all the custom orders out :) Until then remember you can send me an email with orders at aksparkles7(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au. Just remove the brackets and add the usual...I have to write it like that or I get spammed for viagra and whatnot :)