This is MY Promise List, only because "goal" has this stigma attached to it that these are things that you will do "one day" and forever justify why you have not achieved them. I will add to this list as I remember them and come up with new ones. This is a very big thing for someone to reveal...their most deepest hopes and desires, so play nice :)
1) To hire (and perhaps one day own) a red bicycle built for two, for picnics and such with Mr in Wonderland.
2) Own an EK or FC Holden and do it up, "Cherry-Apple Red" and "Duck Egg" blue are my favourite colours of choice but the idea of cruisin' around in a pretty pale pink one also makes my heart SWOON!
3) Live in another city in Australia
4) Own a set of Art Deco flats, I've gushed over those beauties down Stirling Hwy since I was a kid. I'd always envisioned a bunch of friends having one each and parties in a common area :)
5) Sing in a band professionally, preferably something vintage-esque
6) Learn solo Charleston
7) Learn to play the blues harmonica properly, other than "Row, row, row your boat" which I've mastered but is thoroughly unimpressive!
8) Complete certificate III in Millinery Construction and Design also Diploma of textile and fashion design
9) Train at WAAPA
10) Relearn to read music
11) Own my own business with a system capable of being managed for a only a few hours a week, from anywhere in the world.
12) Eat from my own vege patch, generate most of our homes electricity through solar energy and collect rain water.
13) Get married to Mr in Wonderland, garden wedding, lots of dancing and lots of fun.
14) Drive around Australia with a fun group of friends in a camper van
15) Go to all the theme parks on the Gold Coast
16) Own a big pretty fish pond
17) Build a "dressing room"-one large room, lit beautifully, one wall for me, the other for Mr in Wonderland a big pouffe in the middle to sit to put on shoes and to sit and chat while the other gets ready.
18) A house with a bath, his and her's shower heads, stays hot and has great water pressure.
19) A beautiful garden to potter in and for Charlie to snooze.
20) A studio, clear, organised and flooded with natural light
21) Do up a 1950's caravan, inside and out to it's original condition, preferably to match my fabulous FC Holden
22) Ride a jet ski
23) Build a snowman-I've never seen snow
24) Para sail and hang-glide
25) Replace our old girl Kelvinator with a pink or baby blue 50's style Smeg fridge, with the separate freezer, not the one with the "ice-box" or we may aswell keep the old girl, (may have to keep old girl as a bar fridge as she has been such a good egg I may not be able to part with her)
26) Sew my own clothes from vintage patterns and learn to draft my own patterns