I had heaps of pressies to buy...Mr in Wonderland and I both have split families...we had fun this year buying (and making) things for our many "the person who has everything" types...so if it made us giggle and it reminded us of you...well, you got it for Christmas :)
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This PastaSaurus was part of my "Dad-Dad's" (couldn't say Grand-dad, it stuck) present, when we were wee he used to give us piggy back rides and call himself a Pome-a-Saurus (he's English) so now that we are all grown up, he can be a PastaSaurus :)

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Part of Dad's present was this cool tin toy, it winds up and has little racing cars that go around it!
He also got one of these because I thought it was funny...a "Stiggy bank"

My Nanna and Grandfather got my version of these...
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I made three little baby blue pots and planted little mounts of moss, then moulded and painted a big, red, clay cherry in the middle of each...only thing is everyone kept walking up and saying "err what is it?". Obviously an obsession for cupcakes and kitsch that is not shared, hehe, I often forget that I'm strange :)Image from here
Mr in Wonderland's Godparents got wheely bin stickers and a cookbook called "Legless-Desserts to get you in the spirit"-filled with VERY alcoholic desserts! Plus the front cover is flocked and so pretty!

Gotta love nutters and their gift giving...I shall be more organized next year...then you'll get some REALLY weird crap! :)
I also got some pretty groovy gifts...Ashliegh in Wonderland is about to be a .com, yes Mr in Wonderland got a domain for me, I am officially a NERD!!!
6 different red lipsticks...lol
A little PINK video camera, it can go underwater...gonna get some tutorials up here!
A fabulous bunch of truffle goodies, truffle oil, macadamias in truffle honey, truffle salt, truffle dukkah...oh my SO yummy, we're in truffle heaven!! I keep finding things to put them on, they are so "morish"!
Yummy hamper goodies, vintage hankies, sparkley skirts, ooh and tins that look like a retro fridge and radio, oh SO many lollies and choccies!!!
And my Dad gave me some money for some new swing shoes after searching everywhere for a pair, lucky too because I'd just bought two new pairs off ebay... so thanks Dad, you bought me these...
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A gorgeous pair of Bleyer wing-tips called Rock n Roll
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and a red patent and black leather pair called Suzie